Two-time Olympic medallist and badminton star PV Sindhu is set to tie the knot on December 22 in Udaipur. Sindhu, a former world champion and one of India’s most celebrated athletes, will marry Venkata Datta Sai, an executive director at Posidex Technologies based in Hyderabad. According to Sindhu’s father, PV Ramana, the two families had known each other for a while, but the wedding was finalized only a month ago. December 22 was chosen as the wedding date due to Sindhu’s packed schedule beginning January.
The wedding festivities will kick off on December 20, followed by a grand reception in Hyderabad on December 24. Sindhu plans to resume her training shortly after the celebrations, as the upcoming badminton season is crucial for her career.
Sindhu boasts an illustrious career with five world championship medals, including a gold in 2019, and two Olympic medals—a silver in Rio 2016 and a bronze in Tokyo 2020. She also achieved a career-high world ranking of No. 2 in 2017, cementing her status as one of India’s greatest athletes.
The announcement of Sindhu’s wedding comes shortly after her impressive performance at the Syed Modi International badminton tournament in Lucknow. Sindhu advanced to the finals of the BWF Super 300 event, ending a two-year title drought. In the semi-finals, she defeated her 17-year-old compatriot Unnati Hooda with a commanding score of 21-12, 21-9. Ranked 18th in the world, Sindhu will face China’s Wu Luo Yu, ranked 119th, in the final.
This victory marks a potential turning point for Sindhu, who last won a BWF World Tour title at the Singapore Open in July 2022. With her strong comeback at the Syed Modi International, Sindhu has reignited hopes of achieving further glory on the badminton circuit.
As Sindhu prepares to celebrate a new chapter in her personal life, her dedication to her sport remains unwavering. Balancing her wedding celebrations and rigorous training schedule, Sindhu continues to inspire millions as a symbol of perseverance and excellence in Indian sports.